Top 10 Most Downloaded Apps in the World in 2025


Top 10 Most Downloaded Apps in the World: Most Downloaded Apps in The World

List of Most Downloaded Apps in The World and all applications names and Details and freshers list and 202 update

Without the climate, the most downloaded applications of 2024 up to this point might look a piece astounding. 2020 saw its reasonable part of wind balls. Pretty much every assiduity and area was affected when’s occasions, including application downloads and this has continued into 2024.

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Top 10 Most Downloaded Apps in the World 2024

Without the climate, the most downloaded applications of 2023 up to this point might look a piece astonishing. 2024 saw its reasonable portion of wind balls.

Pretty much every assiduity and area was affected when’s occasions, including application downloads and this has extended into 2024 about Top 10 Most Downloaded Apps in The World 2024.


1. Facebook

As the main application in the whole world, it’s nothing unexpected that Facebook is one of the most famous applications of 2023.

Facebook has been particularly helpful during this time when individuals needed to interface and keep in contact.

Facebook is continually in the top 10 Apps in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store. As per Statista, it’s the most well-known application distributer around the world, grounded on downloads.

The Facebook family incorporates Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, and Facebook Messenger. Facebook Advertising and promoting are two authentically significant moldings for advertisers.

2. Instagram

Balancing the Facebook family is Instagram. This print and tape-sharing application is one of the most well–


known applications among Gen Z and Millennials. However this application likes to stay quiet about its details, it’s reasonable to expect that because of its popularity and unmoving status in the application stores, it has without a doubt held its elegance in 2021.

Instagram is particularly valuable for showcasing. As indicated by Statista, brands transferred an ordinary of 0.7 presence on the social stage consistently in 2018.

Between IGTV, Instagram Lives, and Instagram Stories, the application gives a wealth of openings to advertisers to draw in their followership.

3. WhatsApp

Discussing staying in contact, a decent amount of online entertainment applications likewise got through proceeded downloads in 2021. WhatsApp has approximately 2 billion junkies exhaustively.

While WhatsApp may not be as famous in the United States, it’s the main informing application across the remainder of the globe.


It gives openings to organizations to stay in touch with their visitors and visitors through validated dispatches, exceptional offers, and further. There are various captivating showcasing openings with WhatsApp as WhatsApp promoting keeps on developing.

4. Message

Another well-known informing application is Telegram, a free application with around 500 million dynamic yearly addicts, which can be utilized to shoot prints, videos, and various kinds of reports notwithstanding ordinary dispatches.

Message upholds makes reference to, hashtags, and has cross-stage vacuity, making it available for organizations and huge affiliations. It additionally makes it conceivable to create gatherings of over to and to deliver both private and public channels, which you can welcome your visitors to join.

This gives an assortment of promoting openings as you can share pictures and data about new items or administrations, give connections to wharf sprinters, produce a chatbot to answer client questions, and so on

5. Moj

A few Chinese applications, like TikTok, are prohibited in India so others have been made to make up for the shortcoming. Moj is an extraordinary outline of this It permits addicts to make brief videos of over 15 seconds and add bright products to typify them. Its basic stoner interface makes it simple for individuals to communicate through discourse, preferences, shares, etc.


This application is genuinely new, making it appeared in July 2020 and snappily piling up a large number of onlookers. It has more than 80 million dynamic yearly addicts who spend an ordinary 34 sparkles on the application consistently.

6. Facebook Messenger

This is a given sprinter ( talk) activity by Facebook that gives an informing establishment to Facebook addicts.

For starters, there was no different application for informing on Facebook yet there’s presently, and it has become contrarily well known inside ordinarily of its creation.

7. Snapchat

An interpersonal interaction cum conveying activity must be utilized through a dedicated portable activity.

Indeed, for sure Snapchat doesn’t chip away at the ordinary web. The application permits addicts to falter with other Snapchat junkies and shoot dispatches, prints, brief videos, and then some.


8. YouTube

A total tape survey and sharing activity deal with versatile and work area bias. The given portable application has a few new elements like disconnected downloading.

YouTube is the greatest host of videos on the earth and offers adaptation choices to addicts.

9. Drone

This application, alongside many tape conferencing applications, was certainly one of the best applications of the once time.

In April 2020, Zoom announced north of 300 million diurnal entertainers and the application included 38 million downloads in January 2021 alone.

This crush is straightforwardly connected to the COVID-19 furthest point. As various addicts across the globe needed to keep telecommuting, they involved Zoom as their tape conferencing application of the decision.


The robot permits junkies to direct tape calls for business or for staying in contact with cherished bones Most Downloaded Apps in The World.


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