What is UPSC Exam Pattern and Syllabus in 2025

What is UPSC: Today we are telling you information about UPSC Syllabus. If you want to become IAS IPS etc.

So it is very important for you to have knowledge about IAS Syllabus. Today we will tell you complete information about the UPSC syllabus through this article.

What is UPSC?

As you must be aware that UPSC changed its syllabus in Syllabus in 2015 itself. At present, it has 7+2=9 question papers.

Out of which, 2 question papers are for quality. Which are 300-300 marks. Its numbers are not added to your main exam marks if you apply for IAS.

The candidate applying for UPSC has to first appear in the preliminary examination. It consists of 2 objective-type questions.

These exams are mandatory for you to appear in the main exam. But these marks are not added to the merit. You have 7 question papers in the main exam. Which are 250-250 marks. Which is different for all the subjects.

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UPSC Syllabus and Exams

In the recruitment done by UPSC, you have to go through two exams. One of which is the preliminary examination. The second is the main examination.

After the application, the first, written test is conducted for all the applicants. After that written examination is organized.

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UPSC Prelims Syllabus

In this, you have to give 2 question papers. In this, both the question papers are 200 – 200 marks. Both the question papers are of objective type.

The successfully declared candidates are called in the main examination. The marks of this exam will not be added to your main exam.

  • First question paper – It is necessary to select any one language included in the Eighth Schedule of the Constitution of India for the candidate. (total 300 marks)
  • Second question paper – English comprehension and 10th-level abstract writing (total 300 marks)

UPSC Mains Syllabus

In this, you have a total of 7 question papers which are 250-250 marks. It is mandatory to pass these exams to get a job at UPSC.

Subjective-type questions are asked in this and an optional subject is also given in it. Which the candidate can choose as per his wish.

  • First Question Paper – Essay – (250 Marks)
  • Paper-II – General Studies Paper 1 – History and Heritage and Geography of Culture, World and Society of India (250 Marks)
  • Paper 3 – General Studies Paper 2 – Constitution, Social Justice, International Relations and Governance)
  • Paper 4 – General Studies Paper 3 – Technology, Economic Development Environment, Biodiversity, Security and Disaster Management (250 Marks)
  • Paper 5 – General Studies Paper 4 – Policy, Integrity (250 Marks)
  • 6th Question Paper – Optional Subject Paper 1 (250 Marks)
  • Seventh Question Paper – Optional Subject Paper 2 (250 Marks)


The candidates who are successful in the main examination are called for an interview.

It is of a total of 275 marks. Its marks will be added to your merit and on the basis of marks obtained in written tests and interviews, you are selected for the appropriate post.

UPSC Exam Pattern

If you are preparing for upsc. So you also need to be aware of its marks. Marks are determined in the following way in upsc.

Written Exam – 1750 Marks
Interview – 275 Marks
Total – 2025 Marks

How to prepare for UPSC

If you are giving UPSC exam and want to prepare well for it. So there are many different ways to do this. So that you can prepare for it in the best way. We are telling you about some of its easy tips.

1 UPSC Exam Pattern

To crack the UPSC exam, it is very important to understand its exam pattern. Through this, you can prepare for it in the best way.

To prepare well for this, you should get complete information about the UPSC syllabus and prepare accordingly, this increases your chances of success a lot.

2 Read School Lavel’s Books

Although you have already read the school-level book. But you are preparing for upsc, and to perform well in it and to get good marks in it you must read books of 10th and 12th.

By this, you get to learn them. You will not get to learn from anywhere else and without them, it is very difficult to pass the IAS IPS exam.

3 OLD Exam Paper

If you want to score good marks in the upsc exam. Or you are giving an upsc exam for the first time. So as many old upsc question papers as you get.

By getting as many question papers as you can, once you see them, you get a lot to learn and learn. You can easily get its old paper on any stationery etc. From where you can buy them.

4 Choosing the Right Books

This is the biggest mistake many people make in upsc. That all of them buy one book by not buying separate books of upsc syllabus.

Due to this, they do not get all the information in one book, in such a situation you should buy all different books, and prepare based on that.

It is better to buy a book on all subjects. That you should prepare by buying separate books for all the subjects. see news etc.

If you want to get good marks in the upsc exam. So you must watch daily news etc. These are very important, especially for all the candidates, and it is very useful for you not only in written test or interview.

In this article, we have given you UPSC Exam Pattern and What is Syllabus? it talks about. We hope that you must have liked the given information related to UPSC.

If you want to ask any kind of question related to this. So you can tell us by commenting.

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